Our Unique Approach
So if we don’t think you would benefit from joining our Investment Fitness Club and that you’re joining fee represents poor value we will tell you so.
Unfortunately too many in the investment world use a different approach by trying to manipulate investor emotions by appealing to their greed or fear or even both! We call this financial pornography as it’s designed to titillate and tries to predict the unpredictable future!
Unlike most investment advisers, we actually believe that many investors will be well served by managing their own investments without having to pay yet another set of high fees and charges to advisers who in many cases fail to add any significant value and can too often actually destroy value for their clients.
So if you think being told the whole truth and nothing but the truth about your investments and what you can do to get them to peak fitness might just be of interest to you, you might like to consider our no obligation online Investment Fitness Test.